Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I seriously hate Cicaks..

I'm not fond of cicaks... or lizards.. you can say that i have this phobia whenever i see one... it's just too disgusting ... and i can't sleep right now... and that's because of this stupid cicak..

i just got home just now... and just when i turned on the lights , i saw this ugly , disgusting cicak on my window's "mosquito net" ... and it doesn't look like a normal house cicak that you see... this one is HUGE!!! and it's colour is similar to the army's camouflage ... greyish with blackist stripes ...

I can't chase it away because the cicak is behind my window's curtains.. and... i'm a little afraid to move the curtain because .. well... Phobia laaaa... i don't think i'll like the idea of it jumping on me... and to make things worst ... my bed is just under the curtain.. urrgghhhh... thinking of it gives me the shudders...

I'm thinking of how to sleep properly tonight... haigh...

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