Tuesday, March 11, 2008

With Valid Licenses to Hunt - Wild Boar Slaughtered Part 1

As I promised earlier , here's the pictures i took during the chinese new year earlier this year back at my hometown.. we were getting ready to go back to KL when we saw 3-4 motorcycles passed by us with dead wild boars behind them... we proceed to where they went.. and saw the butchering of the wild boars.. for a city boy like me , this is really a one time experience...

Hardcore!! Brutal!! Gore!! Bloody!! ... it's like watching a black metal music video.. only without the music.. Enjoy!!!


farahrozhan said...

Why are the legs like, so far apart... Not to mention stiff. I know la it's dead, but still...

Jayzen said...

i dunno ler... macam terkangkang kan?? ahahha..